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A/Professor Helen Barrett

Associate Obstetric Medicine Physician & Endocrinologist BSc (Hons), MBBS (Hons), FRACP, MHA, Phd
Newly to Sydney in 2022, Helen brings enormous expertise and energy to Alana, and we are very lucky to have her. When not working you'll find her in the garden, riding her bike and spending time with her family. Her other family, non-Alana family, that is!

Expertise and Special Interests

A/Prof Barrett is on staff at both the Royal Hospital for Women and the Prince of Wales Hospital, and focusses on caring for patient with:

  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid issues
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Weight management
  • Preconception counselling
  • Medical problems in pregnancy

Helen completed training as a physician in Obstetric Medicine and Endocrinology in 2010.  She has spent the last ten years as a consultant physician at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Mater Health in Brisbane – two of the largest tertiary obstetric hospitals in Australia – caring for women with high-risk complex medical problems in pregnancy.  As Director of Endocrinology at Mater Health, Helen also cared for many young adults (16-25 years) and adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes as well as leading a clinical team with expertise in diabetes technology and management.

Having recently moved to Sydney in March 2022, Helen is thrilled to be joining the Obstetric Medicine team at The Royal Hospital for Women and the Endocrinology team at Prince of Wales Hospital as a Staff Specialist, as well as the Alana Healthcare team.

Helen has a passion for improving the outcomes for mother and baby in complex pregnancy and has developed leadership, teaching and research roles in addition to her clinical expertise.  She completed her PhD examining the role of lipids in diabetes in pregnancy in 2014 at the University of Queensland.  Helen is currently the President of the Society for Obstetric Medicine Australia and New Zealand and has also been a Board member of the Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society.  Helen has a particular research interest in maternal and placental metabolism in pregnancy, especially relating to diabetes and pre-eclampsia and has more than 70 publications, including being an author on National Clinical Guidelines from SOMANZ and ADIPS.  Helen supervises and teaches medical students, and advanced training registrars as well as research students.  She has previously been a Sub-Editor for the Internal Medicine Journal and is regularly an Examiner for the Royal Australian College of Physicians clinical examinations.

Helen would be delighted to see women with complex health needs prior to or during their pregnancies.  Outside of pregnancy care, Helen focuses on excelling at diabetes management for people over the age of 16 years.

Helen has an abiding passion for improving health outcomes for those with complex pregnancy, and spends much of her time outside clinical work engaged in research trying to bring new discoveries from lab to the bedside and clinic room. When not working she loves to garden, ride her bike and spend time with family.

Helen has an abiding passion for improving health outcomes for those with complex pregnancy. Outside of pregnancy, Helen focuses on excelling at diabetes management.