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Adolescent Gynaecology

Gynaecological issues for our youngest women may be a frightening time and require care, attention and expertise. We offer world-renowned experience, a sensitive approach and careful explanation to women and girls regarding gynaecological problems.

Young women will experience the most changes in their bodies during their adolescent years. Hormones will affect how their bodies shape and develop, grow and change; this is a time of awakening and a journey that can be exciting and daunting at the same time.

Adolescence is a time when young women need to learn to feel comfortable within themselves. Adjusting into this new skin is important for the emotional and psychological development that inevitably follows during this time. It is thus important that from early on, our teenagers feel secure and safe asking questions about their bodies, identifying what is normal and what is concerning, and learn what it means to be a woman.

There are many questions that sometimes are not necessarily answered well by relatives. Questions that may cause embarrassment on both sides and are sometimes avoided or not addressed appropriately. Teaching our teenagers to take responsibility for their own bodies and giving them confidence on how to best care for it is an important step that our practitioners at Alana are good at doing.

Most commonly addressed issues:

  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Heavy periods
  • Painful periods
  • No periods
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Pregnancy
  • Contraception
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Pap smears
  • Cervical cancer (HPV) vaccinations
  • Irregular breast development
  • Genital anomalies
  • Sports effects on the reproductive system

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a female gynaecologist?
Yes. Alana has both female and male gynaecologists. Visit the Our Team page to find out more, and then speak to our staff about who is the best doctor for you to see based on your concerns.
Do I need a referral to see a Gynaecologist?
If you are a Medicare card holder and wish to claim the Medicare rebate, yes, you will require a referral from either a GP or specialist to entitle you to claim your Medicare rebate. Medicare ineligible patients or patients who do not wish to claim the Medicare rebate do not require a referral to attend our service.
Can I choose my gynaecologist?
Yes. We have both female and male gynaecologists and you may be referred specifically to a particular gynaecologist or we can suggest the best fit for you and your particular problem.  
What if I have an urgent problem, do I need to wait?
If your condition is life threatening or of a serious urgent nature we recommend you present to the Emergency Department of your nearest hospital.  All other urgent requests we always try to accommodate, and we have a daily appointment time kept for the most urgent of issues related to abnormal bleeding. Our Alana Bleeding Clinic (ABC) is here to help your issues relating to abnormal bleeding and by contacting Alana on 9009 5255 we can arrange a soon appointment. For all other referrals, we run a triage service. This means we review your clinical needs and prioritise your clinical issue according to risk. Our administration team may also suggest the soonest available clinician to assist you with your problem.
Can I have my cervical screening test with the clinical team?
Yes.  We do provide cervical screening tests in accordance with best practice from Australian guidelines.  Your primary care practitioner will usually perform this for you and send you reminders when this needs to be done.  If you are referred and need your usual cervical screening test (the old term was Pap smear) we can perform this for you.
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